by tideswebmaster | Feb 18, 2019 | Current Affairs, Socio-economic
What is a Non-Performing Asset? In the account books of banks, the deposits made by public are categorised as liabilities while the loans and advances made by the banks to its customers are categorised as assets. According to RBI those assets on which the instalments...
by tideswebmaster | Feb 12, 2019 | Current Affairs, Socio-economic
Agriculture sector has been under stress in India for a several decades now. Agricultural growth has been, on average, lower than that in non-agriculture, including industry; but the rate of decline of the population dependent on agriculture has been discouragingly...
by tideswebmaster | Feb 9, 2019 | Current Affairs, Socio-economic
Energy is one of the most vital building blocks of human development and key factor influencing the sustainable development of any nation. The conventional sources of energy have become a major threat to our existing and future global safety, environmental values,...
by tideswebmaster | Jan 23, 2019 | Current Affairs, Socio-political
The Kashmir Valley was declared as paradise on earth by the Mughal emperor in 17th century. It was a peaceful and tranquil region until the partition of India in 1947. Since 1947, the region has been in constant state of flux and has seen four wars between the...
by tideswebmaster | Jan 15, 2019 | Current Affairs, Socio-economic
Oil is one of the most important pillars of the global economy. Any significant change in the crude oil prices sends ripples through the world economies. The price of oil has effect on everything from stock markets, manufacturing industry, transport, government...
by tideswebmaster | Jan 6, 2019 | Current Affairs, International Relations
India – Iran relations are more than a millennium old. Bilateral relations between the two countries are far reaching and multi-dimensional. Both have recognized they have a lot to offer to each other and have acted to expand cooperation in many key areas. The recent...