by tideswebmaster | Jul 15, 2020 | Blog, Defence Exam Updates, Exam Preparation Tips
The first question every candidate who clears his or her CDS/NDA/AFCAT exam is if they need SSB interview Coaching. There is not correct answer for this because there have been candidates who cleared the SSB without Coaching and then there are candidates who could not...
by tideswebmaster | Jan 24, 2019 | Exam Preparation Tips
NDA or National Defence Academy Exam is a combined entrance exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) of India for selection of commissioned officers in the three armed services of Indian Armed Forces – Army, Navy and Air Force. Minimum qualification to...
by tideswebmaster | Nov 6, 2018 | Exam Preparation Tips
The first step in the journey to success in an exam is conception of the thought of exam itself in our mind. It begins with a dream to succeed. From this dream it takes the form of a mission. When it becomes a mission, we channelize all available resources to turn our...